Федор Кривой - место жительства и мобильный номер

ВКонтакте: Федор Кривой   - профиль, анонимный анализ
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  • Анализ профиля Федор Кривой в ВКонтакте дает понимание его жизни. От альбомов с фото и видео до обсуждения последних статусов и отзывов, узнайте всю информацию, которую вы хотите знать о его интересах и друзьях.

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No one dies a virgin, Life screws us all... In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away... Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them... When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.... Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.... Live with no excuses and love with no regrets... "Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't"... "When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us"...