Restoe Jah - место жительства и мобильный номер

ВКонтакте: Restoe Jah  Jakarta - профиль, анонимный анализ
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dImAnA Ada KeDaMaIaN dIsItU ku bErAdA

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Institut Teknologi Budi Utomo
Dalam lembaran sejarah aktivitas tulis-menulis, penerbitan atau pers sedunia, cukup banyak contoh-contoh yang menarik akan fenomena perjuangan di bidang tersebut sekalian perihal selang-silang atau kait-tikaiannya antar kekuasaan, termasuk di arena perjuangan Nusantara. Baik di zaman penjajahan maupun sesudah diproklamirkannya kemerdekaan negara Republik Indonesia. Dengan deretan sosok tokohnya antara lain Tirto Adhisurjo, Mas Marco Kartodikromo, Semaun, Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, Asrul Sani, Soekarno, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Djawoto, Adam Malik, BM Diah, Mochtar Lubis, Karim DP, Machbub Djunaidi, Nyoto, Tom Anwar, Hasyim Rachman, Joesoef Isak, Rosihan Anwar, Jacob Oetama, Harmoko, M. Ichsan, Goenawan Mohamad, Rida K Liamsi dan yang lainnya lagi. Selain yang "dan yang lainnya lagi" itu, betapa pula sosok tokoh terkenal, kurang dikenal bahkan yang tak dikenal dan yang hilang dihilangkan begitu saja dalam situasi-kondisi di bawah rezim diktatorial Orde Baru? Seperti mereka yang mengalami pemberangusan -- baik atas diri pribadi maupun sarana usaha perjuangannya. Atau mereka yang melakukan aktivitas-kreativitas secara non-resmi, di bawah-tanah atau di luar garis kekuasaan -- baik yang berada di dalam maupun di luar negeri? Menariknya sejarah bangsa memang juga dalam ke-tak-terpisah-annya dengan sejarah aktivitas-kreativitas tulis menulis, penerbitan atau pers pada umumnya. Maka secara obyektif adalah wajar jika tiap insan -- apa pula selaku penulis -- menaruh perhatian pada hidup kehidupan bangsanya dan bisa memahami bagaimana perjalanan bangsa di bidang ini yang benar sebenar-benarnya. Apa pula mengingat bahwa lembaran sejarah bangsa secara umum telah dipotong-cangkok atau dibengkokkan. Dalam mana, bahkan oleh para sejarawan sendiri, telah dilakukan "pembunuhan" atas para saksi sekaligus pelaku sejarah itu sendiri. Suatu prilaku yang tak beda dengan para pemberangus di bidang penerbitan atau pers. Yang kesemuanya semata-mata bukan atas dasar kebenaran dan keadilan serta ke-integritas-an, melainkan sebagai bukti kesetiaan atau kolaborasi pada kekuasaan, karena jadi pendukung atau telah berada dalam kantong kekuasaan demi kepentingan masing-masing. Mengingat akan urgensi dan makna pentingnya persoalan tersebut di atas, dan dalam rangka turutserta memberi sumbangan bagi upaya pelempangan sejarah bangsa Indonesia, khususnya di bidang sejarah aktivitas-kreativitas tulis menulis, penerbitan atau pers, maka saya sajikan serangkaian naskah dengan judul Sekitar Aktivitas-Kreativitas Tulis Menulis Di Luar Garis. Sebagai lanjutan sekaligus pelengkap dari Catatan Memoar saya sebelumnya. Dengan harapan bisalah dijadikan salah satu bahan pertimbangan adanya. *** (15.01.2008)
Любимая музыка
How can this be? Why is he the chosen one? Saint gone astray, With a scepter and a gun. Learn to believe In the mighty and the strong. Come bleed the beast Follow me it won't be long. Listen, When the prophet Speaks to you. Killing In the name of God. Passion Twisting Faith into Violence. In the name of God. Straight is the path, Leading to your salvation. Slaying the weak, Ethnic elimination. Any day, We'll all be Swept away. You'll be saved As long as You obey Lies, Tools of the devil Inside, Written in Holy Disguise. Meant to deceive and Divide us all. Listen, When the prophet Speaks to you. Killing In the name of God. Passion Twisting Faith into Violence. In the name of God. Blurring the lines Between virtue and sin, They can't tell Where God ends, And mankind begins. They know no other Life but this. From the cradle They are claimed. Listen, When the prophet Speaks to you. Killing In the name of God. Passion Twisting Faith into Violence. In the name of God. Hundreds of believers, Lured into a doomsday cult. All would perish In the name of God. Self-proclaimed messiah, Led his servants To their death. Eighty murdered In the name of God. Forty sons and daughters, Unconsenting plural wives, Perversions In the name of God. Underground religion, Turning toward The mainstream light, Blind devotion In the name of God. Justifying violence, Citing from the Holy Book, Teaching hatred In the name of God. Listen, When the prophet Speaks to you. Killing In the name of God. Passion Twisting Faith into Violence. In the n
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"...I need some pencils... [Various samples, seemingly from ] Will you be using 'em for company [flipping through news broadcasts.] business?...One eight hundred nine nine two...For cash back, see store for details... Meeting rebel leaders, he says he also plans to thank Russian soldiers for their work in Chechnya...Work better..." People around here are driving me crazy Watching them run is making me lazy Trying to buy a place in my head Selling me lines I've already read Speaking my name to try to confuse me Say it again you're starting to lose me That's alright I'm okay It happens every single day It's all the same But I'm not blind Nevermind It's either you or me And I can't see the difference You or me I find that I can't see the difference When are these changes going to stick Eating my words is making me sick Some of the time I'm practically sacred Reading my mind Is leaving you naked You'd rather give it away than receive it One of these days I'm gonna believe it. That's alright I'm okay It happens every single day It's all the same But I'm not blind Nevermind It's either you or me And I can't see the difference You or me I find that I can't see the difference You or me And I can't see the difference You or me I find that I can't see the difference You or me That's alright I'm okay It happens every single day And I can't see the difference It's all the same But I'm not blind Nevermind It's either You or me That's alright I'm okay It happens every single day I find that I can't see the difference It's all the same But I'm not blind " position was that if anybody [Right-channel samples from ???] who's a Christian would go there, they're not only aligning themselves to the demagogue, they're aligning themselves to the antichrist! Which by the way, this man is an antichrist..." "Did you see the video?" "I didn't need to see the video to call the guy an antichrist..." "...if you can truly appreciate..." [Left-channel samples from ???] "...sins, so that we'll go to Heaven [Center-channel sample from ???] anyway. He came to save his people from their sins."
Любимые телешоу
Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go when we die? What lies beyond And what lay before? Is anything certain in life? They say " Life is too short" "The here and the now" And " You`re only given one shot" But could there be more Have I lived before Or could tis be all that we`ve got? If I die tomorrow I`d be alright Because I believe That after we`re gone The spirit carries on I used to be frightened of dying I used to think death was the end But that was before I`m not scared anymore I know that my soul will transcend I may never find all the answers I never understand why I may never prove What I know to be true But I know that I still have to try If I die tomorrow I`d be alright Because I believe That after we`re gone The spirit carries on [V:] "Move on, be brave Don`t weep at my grave Because I`m no longer here But please never let You memories of me disappear" [N:] Safe in the light that surrounds me Free of the fear and the pain My questioning mind Has help me to find The meaning in my life again Victoria`s real I finally feel At peace with the girl in my dreams And now that I`m here It`s perfectly clear I found out what all of this means If I die tomorrow I`d be alright Because I believe That after we`re gone The spirit carries on
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Hidupnya tambah sepi, tambah hampa Malam apa lagi Ia memekik ngeri Dicekik kesunyian kamarnya Ia membenci. Dirinya dari segala Yang minta perempuan untuk kawannya Bahaya dari tiap sudut. Mendekat juga Dalam ketakukan-menanti ia menyebut satu nama Terkejut ia terduduk. Siapa memanggil itu? Ah! Lemah lesu ia tersedu: Ibu! Ibu!
Любимые игры
Sajak itu diawali dengan penyangkalan atas rasa kesedihan yang timbul ketika menghadapi kematian nenek tercinta : "Bukan kematian benar menusuk kalbu." Jadi di dalam sajak ini, kematian nenek yang telah lama mengasuhnya bukan merupakan hal yang utama. Tetapi ; "keridlaanmu menerima segala (yang) tiba (adalah yang ) tak kutahu setinggi itu (di) atas debu. Jadi sajak ini berbicara tentang bagaimana (kita) bisa merelakan segala sesuatu yang kembali ke asal (debu). Dan ketika kita sadar hal itu, maka di sanalah ada duka yang sejati. Apakah benar dia yang pergi, kembali kepadaNya? Jadi agaknya, sajak ini adalah sajak yang sangat religius. Ada perenungan "dunia seberang sana" ketika seseorang meninggal. Dari segi bahasa, sajak ini sangat ekonomis. Tak ada kata sambung selain kata "dan". Dan di sana sangat bermakna bukan sebagai kata sambung sesuatu dengan lainnya melainkan juga satu pemaknaan terhadap pemaknaan yang lain. Frasa terakhir "Dan duka maha tuan bertahta" sangat memuncak sebagai closing sajak. Lihatlah keunikan frasa itu ; belakangan ini kita sering mendengar atau membaca frasa "maha duka" yang dimaksudkan sebagai duka yang amat sangat..tetapi CA memilih "duka maha tuan" duka yang posisinya seperti seorang tuan bahkan lebih dari itu ; maha tuan. Jadi bukan saja "super duper duka" tetapi sudah mewujud menjadi "the super duper duka" terlebih lagi : bertahta. Bayangkan saja dalam cerita silat, seorang yang maha sakti telah didaulat oleh orang-orang sakti sebagai pemimpin mereka. tentunya tanpa bergerak pun dia pasti bisa membunuh orang biasa. Sedikit ngaco ya? gpp kan?
Любимые цитаты
Sometimes For a moment of bliss In the passion We're craving There's a message we miss Sometimes when The spirit's left alone We must believe in something To find if we've grown Tragic reflex Shattered calm Static progress Senses gone Numb awareness Final psalm Swept away with the tide (Swept away with the tide) Through the holes in my hands (Through the holes in my hands) Crown of thorns at my side (Crown of thorns At my side ye ye yeah) Drawing lines in the sand Sometimes If you're perfectly still You can hear the virgin weeping For the savior of your will Sometimes Your castles in the air And the fantasies you're seeking Are the crosses you bear Sacred conflict Blessed prize Weeping crosses Stainless eyes Desperate addict Faith disguised Swept away with the tide (Swept away with the tide) Through the holes in my hands (Through the holes in my hands yeah) Crown of thorns at my side (Crown of thorns at my side) Drawing lines in the sand We fabricate our demons Invite them into our homes Have supper with the aliens And fight the war alone We conjure up our skeletons Enlist the den of thieves Frightened from our closets Then sewn upon our sleeves In the stream of consciousness There is a river crying Living comes much easier Once we admit We're dying Sometimes In the wreckage of our wake There's a bitterness we harbor And hate for hatred's sake Sometimes We dig an early grave And crucify our instincts For the hope we couldn't save Sometimes A view from sinless eyes Centers our perspective And pacifies our cries Sometimes Th
О себе
She never really had a chance On that fateful moonlit night Sacrificed without a fight A victim of her circumstance Now that I've become aware And I've exposed this tragedy A sadness grows inside of me It all seems so unfair I'm learning all about my life By looking through her eyes Just beyond the churchyard gates Where the grass is overgrown I saw the writing on her stone I felt like I would suffocate Inloving memory of our child So innocent, eyes open wide I felt so empty as I cried Like part of me had died I'm learning all about my life By looking through her eyes And as her image Wandered through my head I wept just like a baby As I lay awake in bed And I know what it's like To lose someone you love And this felt just the same She wasn't given any choice Desperation stole her voice I've been given so much more in life I've got a son, I've got a wife I had to suffer one last time To grieve for her and say goodbye Relive the anguish of my past To find out who I was at last The door has opened wide I'm turning with the tide Looking through her eyes

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