Ras Паша - место жительства и мобильный номер

ВКонтакте: Ras Паша 27.02.1989 Владивосток - профиль, анонимный анализ
Популярность 87%
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  • Анализ профиля Ras Паша 27 февраля 1989 в ВКонтакте дает понимание его жизни в Владивосток. От альбомов с фото и видео до обсуждения последних статусов и отзывов, узнайте всю информацию, которую вы хотите знать о его интересах и друзьях.

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"Шутка блять чиста века" Ситкхаркха "Так все голова все не работает" "Ты че,по фене боташь?" "Голова совсем финишшш!!???" "Слышь чо, на нарах посидишь!" Grandma: Ashtray! You little bitch ass motherfucker! Come over here and give your grandma a hug! Ashtray's Mother: Tray, I don't want you hangin' out in the streets. I want you to finish school, 'cause without an education the only kind of work you're gonna get is sellin' drugs, pimpin' women, or workin' security for Eddie Murphy. Dashiki: Now kids, what do we say to a man that Mommy just met? Kids: Are you my daddy? [during job interview] Recruiter: Well, I see your hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all kinds of ill shit." Ashtray's cellmate: If you hit a man, in time his wounds will heal. If you steal from a man, you can replace what you've stolen. But always cross in the green, never in between. Because the honorable Elijah Muhammed Ali floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. And always remember my brother, one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, knick knack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone, two thousand, zero, zero, party, oops! Out of time, my bacon smellin' fine. Loc Dog: How much for this candy bar? Korean Woman: Das five dala! Loc Dog: Five dollars? Damn! I better get some sucky-sucky with that! Loc Dog: Everyone in the hood been up in her! She got more kids than Mrs. Wayans! Ashtray: So, will I see you again? Ashtray's Mother: Sorry, baby: you know there ain't no positive black females in these movies. [while filling out job application] Loc Dog: Name: Loc Dog, baby. Height: Six-deuce! Age: 19. Father's name: mmm... I dunno. Sex: hell yeah, nigga! Salary desired: 3 million dollars! Cash! Preach: I'm just tryin' to do to white girls what the white man's been doin' to us for 400 years. Crazy Legs: Yeah, what's that? Preach: Fuck 'em. Loc Dog: Well, I can see how a pretty little woman like yourself can make a man a little sick- I mean, nervous! [repeated line] Mailman: Message! Loc Dog: "The Dog" don't bite... unless ya ask. [His friend died because he smoke a powerful joint] Loc Dog: Yo, pass that shit! Mailman: Messsssssaaaaage! Ashtray: We didn't even do nothing. Officer Self Hatred: What? You think you tough? [pulls gun on Ashtray] Officer Self Hatred: You ain't so tough now, little nigga. I hate your black bastards, you *stink*! I hate your black skin. I hate your black pants. I hate black pepper. I hate black keys on a piano. I hate my gums, because they're black. I hate Whoopi Goldberg's *lips*. I hate the back of Forrest Whittaker's neck. Huh? Most of all, I hate that black-ass Wesley Snipes. [smoking a blunt] Grandma: [shouts] Damn! This is some good shit. [after Ashtray hits her] Grandma: You still hit like a bitch, motherfucker. Loc Dog: Either they don't know, don't show, or don't care about being a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood. That's what it's all about. That's what it's all about. Mailman: The fuck is he talking 'bout? Driving Instructor: Hello. I'm Mr. Walker, your driving instructor. Fasten your seat belt, check your mirrors, let's begin. [Ashtray driving] Driving Instructor: Make a right, right here. [a few moments later... ] Driving Instructor: Make another left right here. [a few moments later, in front of bank] Driving Instructor: Park right here. [Ashtray stops] Driving Instructor: Wait here. [Ashtray waits, gunshots heard in bank, alarm sounding, Mr. Walker runs back to car, points gun at Ashtray] Priscilla Milan knyaz1989
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