Alice Liddell - место жительства и мобильный номер

ВКонтакте: Alice Liddell   - профиль, анонимный анализ
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О себе
The tale of Alice is not for the more sensitive heart, for this tale is about misfortune, suffering and, most importantly, madness. Alice was born under Liddell family, a humble but noble household in Oxford. The Liddell family was a caring bunch and Alice lived happily with them, often playing around with her immense imagination. However, in 1863 the most unfortunate of events happened at the Liddell household, a fire had broke out. Alice was able to escape though heavily burned. Her family however, wasn’t so lucky. Alice situation wasn’t looking good, doctors weren’t very optimistic that Alice would recover, and the measures for the coffins were already taken. However, for the surprise of all, Alice was did survive the fire and her health was recovering nice and steady. Her mental stability however, was not. And so, Alice was transferred to an asylum in hope for a recovery. Alice spent years on catatonic state, only speaking again, through drawings, at 1873. As Alice slowly recovered her ability to speak, it would appear that her recovery was finally happened. However, madness hit Alice one more time, dragging her back to where she spent happy days while still a child: Wonderland. But it wasn’t the nice, warm and comfy Wonderland that she always knew. It was twisted, disturbing and sick, just like Alice little mind. After “saving” Wonderland and her own mind, Alice was considered stable enough to be release into society. “The nightmare was over”, thought Alice, “I’m finally free”… Or so did she thought. The line between reality and Wonderland was always pretty clear, but now it’s nothing more than a blur. Alice, age 19, can’t seem to differentiate reality from Wonderland anymore. Has she finally succumbed to madness?