TF SC - место жительства и мобильный номер

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  • The Fearless Sound Corporation

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О себе
THE FEARLESS SOUND CORPORATION (TFSC) MANIFESTO: -We don´t follow trends , our main purpose is to experiment with sound, rhythm, composition, arrangement, recording, post production...and integrate those processes into a unique form of making music where composition, performing, arranging, recording, mixing and sound design melt into one. -We are a multiform entity. a channel to ideas and an ideological instrument. the end that justifies its own means. musically and ideologically autonomous. With experimentation as one of its most important foundations and also as the prime directive of this musical venture. -We reject easyness in our creative process as we perform a conservative task. approaching as Sound Artisans to it. while we program our own sequences and design our own sounds. we culture the art-science of sound synthesis and creative sampling. -From this creative frame, band´s conceptualization integrates the most diverse influences: from the most classical rock musico to experimental approaches. As a musical entity we don't believe in any other motivation to make music that the devotion to music itself as a form of art and discipline. Is a multipurpose entity; as a channel of ideas, as ideological instrument... the end that justifies its own means. Autonomous in a musical and an ideological way. With research and experimentation as the cornerstone and ultimate goal of this musical endeavor Probably the open minded attitude of Lafont & Fer Go had to do a lot with their work behaviors... to minimize the human presence and exalt the use of synthesizers, sequencers, samplers and vocoders as their main tools for the FSC. Not a political trend, they operate as far as posible from alien tendencies. The "germ" of the fearless sound had its beginnings when Lafont answered to a call for drummers from a local band for which Fer Go was already part of. This initiative did never crystalize until after a number of sessions, more and more frequent, where both musicians used their skills, improvise and came to the fearless sound that they are now known for. The fruit of the sessions, the hard word and constant tinkering of Lafont and Fer Go is what had resulted in this album The band rejects the easiness of the new era and tries to keep the dedication and truthfulness as sound artisans; through the use of their own sounds and sequences...cultivating art and focusing in the sampling of a more creative manner. "Programmed midi vs. prefabricated midi" From this creative and ideological framework the conceptualization of the band admits the diverse influences... from the common origins to the new vanguards, and is from this pallet of sounds and elements that FSC distils their code. As an entity of musical character, the FSC does not recognize as legit any motivation that strides off from the art and catharsis of the music itself "There's no need to be afraid of a distopic future. Cause we're already living it."