Álvaro-Miguel Carranza-Montalvo - место жительства и мобильный номер

ВКонтакте: Álvaro-Miguel Carranza-Montalvo 20.10.1986 Sucre - профиль, анонимный анализ
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  • Анализ профиля Álvaro-Miguel Carranza-Montalvo 20 октября 1986 в ВКонтакте дает понимание его жизни в Sucre. От альбомов с фото и видео до обсуждения последних статусов и отзывов, узнайте всю информацию, которую вы хотите знать о его интересах и друзьях.

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Sexuality, Sexualidad, Sexos, Sensual, White Skin, Belleza, Santo, Sagrado, Saint, Holy, Piel Blanca, Doctor Especialista Profesional

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Личная информация

Universidad San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca
Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I am a General Physician High, Blonde, White Skin, White, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Life, Love, Sexuality, Sexuality, Sensual, Sex, Sexy, Sensuality, Sex, Sexes, Genres, Beauty, with Love, and Purity, Self Esteem, Trust, Courage, Power, Psychic Powers, Psyche, Love, Love, Life, Purity, Compassion, Passion, Meditation, Elegance, Fashion, Link, Cool, Modeling, Gorgeous, Fitness, Pilates, Gym, Ballet, Music, Pop, Dance, Dance, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Go, God, Holy, God, Prophet, Prophecy, Vitality, Legendary, Legend. Holy, clear eyes, I am Athletic Nice, I care to keep going, solving the problems of other people to save their life in health and in diseases. Internet, Networds ... Holy, Sacred, White Skin, Very White Skin, Milky, Milky, Milky, Skin, Sacred, Saint, Holy, God, God. Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, LIFE is a VIRTUE that every Human, Person has is Valiant and Worthy to SAVE the LIFE of a Person who is in Danger, each Person is a single Unit there is no one like that person we are different. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, the NATURE is Beautiful and Beautiful Living it outdoors, with Water, Vegetation, Beautiful Animals in the Biodiversity Ecosystem you have to value and enjoy what there is in the world to live and enjoy it. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I LIKE WHAT I AM MY WAY OF BEING ENJOY ME WHAT I AM MY PHYSICAL, MIND, THOUGHTS, SOUL AND BODY, PHYSICAL. AND LIVING LIFE, NATURE THE BEAUTY. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I like Nature and Life. LIVING THE LIFE RESPECTING THE OTHER GIRLS AND CHILDREN TO ALL THE PEOPLE I RESPECT AND ADMISE THEM WHY THEY HAVE THEIR VALUES AND GIFTS. DOING EVERYTHING EVIL EVERYONE TO TREAT AS EVERYONE WOULD LIKE TO TREAT YOU. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "I believe that mixed martial arts serve mainly to develop energy. Sometimes it is necessary to realize a danger and to know the means to save life. Medical Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Energy is Vital to achieve a goal with strength and health is the most important in life. ", Web, Internet .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "it is necessary to perform certain exercises in the spine, to provide oxygen to the brain and help you to rest completely, " Web, Internet .... Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "there are three words that we learn to shout that take with them rest and energy, strength, courage and conviction", Web, Internet .... Atentamente: Doctor Especialista.- MÉDICO GENERAL: ÁLVARO MIGUEL CARRANZA MONTALVO, REDES SOCIALES, INTERNET, WEB. 72880682 Celular. Teléfono.- 64-41881 WhatsApp.- 77136897 y 77481261 Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Calle Potosí Nº.-157, Provincia Oropeza-Bolivia-Sucre Matrícula Profesional de M.S.P.Nº C-3011 atrícula Colegio Médico Departamental Nº CH-2212 SUCRE-BOLIVIA-CHUQUISACA FACEBOOK, YOU TUBE, TWISTER, MY SPACE, REDES SOCIALES INTERNET. Soy Médico General Cirujano soy Deportista y Atlético soy Alto mido 1, 85 metros, Rubio, de Piel Blanca, ojos claros, cabellos Rubios castaño, Inteligente y de Buenos Sentimientos. Sé el Idioma Alemán, Inglés-Inglesa, Americana; también conozco y tengo caracteres de la Filosofía de la Cultura China las Artes Marciales, Yoga, Meditación, Budismo. Soy Atlético Simpático, me esmero a seguir Adelante solucionando los Problemas de las demás Personas para salvar su Vida con Salud Pura y Verdadera y evitar las Enfermedades. SALVAR VIDAS ES MI DEBER Y AYUDAR. La VIDA es una VIRTUD que cada Humano, Persona tiene es Valeroso y Digno lograr SALVAR la VIDA de una Persona que está en Peligro, cada Persona es una sola Unidad único no hay nadie como esa persona somos distintos. La NATURALEZA es Bella y Linda Vivirla al Aire Libre, con Agua, la Vegetación, los Bellos Animales en el Ecosistema la Biodiversidad hay que Valorar y Gozar lo que hay en el Mundo Vivirla y Disfrutarla. “La vida no ha sido la fiesta que habíamos imaginado, pero ya que estamos aquí, bailemos” El Mundo en el que vivimos es Hermoso y Cálido, cuando hay Alegría y Felicidad se convierte en el mundo más hermoso que nadie puede imaginar, sólo hay felicidad. Tengo palabras para expresar todo mi amor, por ser tan hermoso y Grandioso, tu iluminas mi mundo con tu inmenso amor y agradable compañía. Se lo que es amar y vivir intensamente es tan maravilloso en esta Vida. LA VIDA ES VITAL IMPORTANTE CADA PERSONA TIENE SU VIRTUD Y VALOR QUE LE CARACTERIZA A CADA UNO, HAY QUE VIVIR CON TODO LO QUE UNO MISMO TIENE, QUERERSE ASÍ MISMO CON AMOR Y FELICIDAD CON ALEGRÍA Y
Любимая музыка
Clásicos, Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I am a General Physician High, Blonde, White Skin, White, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Life, Love, Sexuality, Sexuality, Sensual, Sex, Sexy, Sensuality, Sex, Sexes, Genres, Beauty, with Love, and Purity, Self Esteem, Trust, Courage, Power, Psychic Powers, Psyche, Love, Love, Life, Purity, Compassion, Passion, Meditation, Elegance, Fashion, Link, Cool, Modeling, Gorgeous, Fitness, Pilates, Gym, Ballet, Music, Pop, Dance, Dance, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Go, God, Holy, God, Prophet, Prophecy, Vitality, Legendary, Legend. Holy, clear eyes, I am Athletic Nice, I care to keep going, solving the problems of other people to save their life in health and in diseases. Internet, Networds ... Holy, Sacred, White Skin, Very White Skin, Milky, Milky, Milky, Skin, Sacred, Saint, Holy, God, God. Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, LIFE is a VIRTUE that every Human, Person has is Valiant and Worthy to SAVE the LIFE of a Person who is in Danger, each Person is a single Unit there is no one like that person we are different. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, the NATURE is Beautiful and Beautiful Living it outdoors, with Water, Vegetation, Beautiful Animals in the Biodiversity Ecosystem you have to value and enjoy what there is in the world to live and enjoy it. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I LIKE WHAT I AM MY WAY OF BEING ENJOY ME WHAT I AM MY PHYSICAL, MIND, THOUGHTS, SOUL AND BODY, PHYSICAL. AND LIVING LIFE, NATURE THE BEAUTY. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I like Nature and Life. LIVING THE LIFE RESPECTING THE OTHER GIRLS AND CHILDREN TO ALL THE PEOPLE I RESPECT AND ADMISE THEM WHY THEY HAVE THEIR VALUES AND GIFTS. DOING EVERYTHING EVIL EVERYONE TO TREAT AS EVERYONE WOULD LIKE TO TREAT YOU. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "I believe that mixed martial arts serve mainly to develop energy. Sometimes it is necessary to realize a danger and to know the means to save life. Medical Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Energy is Vital to achieve a goal with strength and health is the most important in life. ", Web, Internet .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "it is necessary to perform certain exercises in the spine, to provide oxygen to the brain and help you to rest completely, " Web, Internet .... Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "there are three words that we learn to shout that take with them rest and energy, strength, courage and conviction", Web, Internet .... Atentamente: Doctor Especialista.- MÉDICO GENERAL: ÁLVARO MIGUEL CARRANZA MONTALVO, REDES SOCIALES, INTERNET, WEB. 72880682 Celular. Teléfono.- 64-41881 WhatsApp.- 77136897 y 77481261 Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Calle Potosí Nº.-157, Provincia Oropeza-Bolivia-Sucre Matrícula Profesional de M.S.P.Nº C-3011 atrícula Colegio Médico Departamental Nº CH-2212 SUCRE-BOLIVIA-CHUQUISACA FACEBOOK, YOU TUBE, TWISTER, MY SPACE, REDES SOCIALES INTERNET.
Любимые фильмы
Acción, Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I am a General Physician High, Blonde, White Skin, White, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Life, Love, Sexuality, Sexuality, Sensual, Sex, Sexy, Sensuality, Sex, Sexes, Genres, Beauty, with Love, and Purity, Self Esteem, Trust, Courage, Power, Psychic Powers, Psyche, Love, Love, Life, Purity, Compassion, Passion, Meditation, Elegance, Fashion, Link, Cool, Modeling, Gorgeous, Fitness, Pilates, Gym, Ballet, Music, Pop, Dance, Dance, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Go, God, Holy, God, Prophet, Prophecy, Vitality, Legendary, Legend. Holy, clear eyes, I am Athletic Nice, I care to keep going, solving the problems of other people to save their life in health and in diseases. Internet, Networds ... Holy, Sacred, White Skin, Very White Skin, Milky, Milky, Milky, Skin, Sacred, Saint, Holy, God, God. Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, LIFE is a VIRTUE that every Human, Person has is Valiant and Worthy to SAVE the LIFE of a Person who is in Danger, each Person is a single Unit there is no one like that person we are different. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, the NATURE is Beautiful and Beautiful Living it outdoors, with Water, Vegetation, Beautiful Animals in the Biodiversity Ecosystem you have to value and enjoy what there is in the world to live and enjoy it. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I LIKE WHAT I AM MY WAY OF BEING ENJOY ME WHAT I AM MY PHYSICAL, MIND, THOUGHTS, SOUL AND BODY, PHYSICAL. AND LIVING LIFE, NATURE THE BEAUTY. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I like Nature and Life. LIVING THE LIFE RESPECTING THE OTHER GIRLS AND CHILDREN TO ALL THE PEOPLE I RESPECT AND ADMISE THEM WHY THEY HAVE THEIR VALUES AND GIFTS. DOING EVERYTHING EVIL EVERYONE TO TREAT AS EVERYONE WOULD LIKE TO TREAT YOU. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "I believe that mixed martial arts serve mainly to develop energy. Sometimes it is necessary to realize a danger and to know the means to save life. Medical Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Energy is Vital to achieve a goal with strength and health is the most important in life. ", Web, Internet .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "it is necessary to perform certain exercises in the spine, to provide oxygen to the brain and help you to rest completely, " Web, Internet .... Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "there are three words that we learn to shout that take with them rest and energy, strength, courage and conviction", Web, Internet .... Atentamente: Doctor Especialista.- MÉDICO GENERAL: ÁLVARO MIGUEL CARRANZA MONTALVO, REDES SOCIALES, INTERNET, WEB. 72880682 Celular. Teléfono.- 64-41881 WhatsApp.- 77136897 y 77481261 Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Calle Potosí Nº.-157, Provincia Oropeza-Bolivia-Sucre Matrícula Profesional de M.S.P.Nº C-3011 atrícula Colegio Médico Departamental Nº CH-2212 SUCRE-BOLIVIA-CHUQUISACA FACEBOOK, YOU TUBE, TWISTER, MY SPACE, REDES SOCIALES INTERNET.
Любимые телешоу
Boomerang, Nickelodeon, Disney, Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I am a General Physician High, Blonde, White Skin, White, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Life, Love, Sexuality, Sexuality, Sensual, Sex, Sexy, Sensuality, Sex, Sexes, Genres, Beauty, with Love, and Purity, Self Esteem, Trust, Courage, Power, Psychic Powers, Psyche, Love, Love, Life, Purity, Compassion, Passion, Meditation, Elegance, Fashion, Link, Cool, Modeling, Gorgeous, Fitness, Pilates, Gym, Ballet, Music, Pop, Dance, Dance, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Go, God, Holy, God, Prophet, Prophecy, Vitality, Legendary, Legend. Holy, clear eyes, I am Athletic Nice, I care to keep going, solving the problems of other people to save their life in health and in diseases. Internet, Networds ... Holy, Sacred, White Skin, Very White Skin, Milky, Milky, Milky, Skin, Sacred, Saint, Holy, God, God. Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, LIFE is a VIRTUE that every Human, Person has is Valiant and Worthy to SAVE the LIFE of a Person who is in Danger, each Person is a single Unit there is no one like that person we are different. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, the NATURE is Beautiful and Beautiful Living it outdoors, with Water, Vegetation, Beautiful Animals in the Biodiversity Ecosystem you have to value and enjoy what there is in the world to live and enjoy it. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I LIKE WHAT I AM MY WAY OF BEING ENJOY ME WHAT I AM MY PHYSICAL, MIND, THOUGHTS, SOUL AND BODY, PHYSICAL. AND LIVING LIFE, NATURE THE BEAUTY. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I like Nature and Life. LIVING THE LIFE RESPECTING THE OTHER GIRLS AND CHILDREN TO ALL THE PEOPLE I RESPECT AND ADMISE THEM WHY THEY HAVE THEIR VALUES AND GIFTS. DOING EVERYTHING EVIL EVERYONE TO TREAT AS EVERYONE WOULD LIKE TO TREAT YOU. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "I believe that mixed martial arts serve mainly to develop energy. Sometimes it is necessary to realize a danger and to know the means to save life. Medical Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Energy is Vital to achieve a goal with strength and health is the most important in life. ", Web, Internet .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "it is necessary to perform certain exercises in the spine, to provide oxygen to the brain and help you to rest completely, " Web, Internet .... Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "there are three words that we learn to shout that take with them rest and energy, strength, courage and conviction", Web, Internet .... Atentamente: Doctor Especialista.- MÉDICO GENERAL: ÁLVARO MIGUEL CARRANZA MONTALVO, REDES SOCIALES, INTERNET, WEB. 72880682 Celular. Teléfono.- 64-41881 WhatsApp.- 77136897 y 77481261 Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Calle Potosí Nº.-157, Provincia Oropeza-Bolivia-Sucre Matrícula Profesional de M.S.P.Nº C-3011 atrícula Colegio Médico Departamental Nº CH-2212 SUCRE-BOLIVIA-CHUQUISACA FACEBOOK, YOU TUBE, TWISTER, MY SPACE, REDES SOCIALES INTERNET.
Любимые книги
Odisea, Tarzán, Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I am a General Physician High, Blonde, White Skin, White, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Life, Love, Sexuality, Sexuality, Sensual, Sex, Sexy, Sensuality, Sex, Sexes, Genres, Beauty, with Love, and Purity, Self Esteem, Trust, Courage, Power, Psychic Powers, Psyche, Love, Love, Life, Purity, Compassion, Passion, Meditation, Elegance, Fashion, Link, Cool, Modeling, Gorgeous, Fitness, Pilates, Gym, Ballet, Music, Pop, Dance, Dance, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Go, God, Holy, God, Prophet, Prophecy, Vitality, Legendary, Legend. Holy, clear eyes, I am Athletic Nice, I care to keep going, solving the problems of other people to save their life in health and in diseases. Internet, Networds ... Holy, Sacred, White Skin, Very White Skin, Milky, Milky, Milky, Skin, Sacred, Saint, Holy, God, God. Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, LIFE is a VIRTUE that every Human, Person has is Valiant and Worthy to SAVE the LIFE of a Person who is in Danger, each Person is a single Unit there is no one like that person we are different. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, the NATURE is Beautiful and Beautiful Living it outdoors, with Water, Vegetation, Beautiful Animals in the Biodiversity Ecosystem you have to value and enjoy what there is in the world to live and enjoy it. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I LIKE WHAT I AM MY WAY OF BEING ENJOY ME WHAT I AM MY PHYSICAL, MIND, THOUGHTS, SOUL AND BODY, PHYSICAL. AND LIVING LIFE, NATURE THE BEAUTY. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I like Nature and Life. LIVING THE LIFE RESPECTING THE OTHER GIRLS AND CHILDREN TO ALL THE PEOPLE I RESPECT AND ADMISE THEM WHY THEY HAVE THEIR VALUES AND GIFTS. DOING EVERYTHING EVIL EVERYONE TO TREAT AS EVERYONE WOULD LIKE TO TREAT YOU. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "I believe that mixed martial arts serve mainly to develop energy. Sometimes it is necessary to realize a danger and to know the means to save life. Medical Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Energy is Vital to achieve a goal with strength and health is the most important in life. ", Web, Internet .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "it is necessary to perform certain exercises in the spine, to provide oxygen to the brain and help you to rest completely, " Web, Internet .... Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "there are three words that we learn to shout that take with them rest and energy, strength, courage and conviction", Web, Internet .... Atentamente: Doctor Especialista.- MÉDICO GENERAL: ÁLVARO MIGUEL CARRANZA MONTALVO, REDES SOCIALES, INTERNET, WEB. 72880682 Celular. Teléfono.- 64-41881 WhatsApp.- 77136897 y 77481261 Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Calle Potosí Nº.-157, Provincia Oropeza-Bolivia-Sucre Matrícula Profesional de M.S.P.Nº C-3011 atrícula Colegio Médico Departamental Nº CH-2212 SUCRE-BOLIVIA-CHUQUISACA FACEBOOK, YOU TUBE, TWISTER, MY SPACE, REDES SOCIALES INTERNET.
Любимые игры
Play Station, Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I am a General Physician High, Blonde, White Skin, White, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Life, Love, Sexuality, Sexuality, Sensual, Sex, Sexy, Sensuality, Sex, Sexes, Genres, Beauty, with Love, and Purity, Self Esteem, Trust, Courage, Power, Psychic Powers, Psyche, Love, Love, Life, Purity, Compassion, Passion, Meditation, Elegance, Fashion, Link, Cool, Modeling, Gorgeous, Fitness, Pilates, Gym, Ballet, Music, Pop, Dance, Dance, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Go, God, Holy, God, Prophet, Prophecy, Vitality, Legendary, Legend. Holy, clear eyes, I am Athletic Nice, I care to keep going, solving the problems of other people to save their life in health and in diseases. Internet, Networds ... Holy, Sacred, White Skin, Very White Skin, Milky, Milky, Milky, Skin, Sacred, Saint, Holy, God, God. Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, LIFE is a VIRTUE that every Human, Person has is Valiant and Worthy to SAVE the LIFE of a Person who is in Danger, each Person is a single Unit there is no one like that person we are different. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, the NATURE is Beautiful and Beautiful Living it outdoors, with Water, Vegetation, Beautiful Animals in the Biodiversity Ecosystem you have to value and enjoy what there is in the world to live and enjoy it. Internet, Networds .... Doctor Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I LIKE WHAT I AM MY WAY OF BEING ENJOY ME WHAT I AM MY PHYSICAL, MIND, THOUGHTS, SOUL AND BODY, PHYSICAL. AND LIVING LIFE, NATURE THE BEAUTY. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, I like Nature and Life. LIVING THE LIFE RESPECTING THE OTHER GIRLS AND CHILDREN TO ALL THE PEOPLE I RESPECT AND ADMISE THEM WHY THEY HAVE THEIR VALUES AND GIFTS. DOING EVERYTHING EVIL EVERYONE TO TREAT AS EVERYONE WOULD LIKE TO TREAT YOU. Web, Social Networks .... Doctor Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "I believe that mixed martial arts serve mainly to develop energy. Sometimes it is necessary to realize a danger and to know the means to save life. Medical Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Energy is Vital to achieve a goal with strength and health is the most important in life. ", Web, Internet .... Doctor Specialist Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "it is necessary to perform certain exercises in the spine, to provide oxygen to the brain and help you to rest completely, " Web, Internet .... Specialist Alvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "there are three words that we learn to shout that take with them rest and energy, strength, courage and conviction", Web, Internet .... Atentamente: Doctor Especialista.- MÉDICO GENERAL: ÁLVARO MIGUEL CARRANZA MONTALVO, REDES SOCIALES, INTERNET, WEB. 72880682 Celular. Teléfono.- 64-41881 WhatsApp.- 77136897 y 77481261 Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Calle Potosí Nº.-157, Provincia Oropeza-Bolivia-Sucre Matrícula Profesional de M.S.P.Nº C-3011 atrícula Colegio Médico Departamental Nº CH-2212 SUCRE-BOLIVIA-CHUQUISACA FACEBOOK, YOU TUBE, TWISTER, MY SPACE, REDES SOCIALES INTERNET.
Любимые цитаты
Estrategia, Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, soy Médico General Alto, Rubio, de Piel Blanca, White Skin, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Life, Love, Sexuality, Sexualidad, Sensual, Sexi, Sexy, Sensualidad, Sex, Sexos, Géneros, Belleza, con Amor, y Pureza, Autoestima, Confianza, Valor, Poder, Poderes Psíquicos, Psiquis, Amor, Love, Life, Vida, Pureza, Compasión, Pasión, Meditación, Elegancia, Fashion, Link, Cool, Modelaje, Gorgeous, Fitness, Pilates, Gym, Gimnasio, Ballet, Música, Pop, Dance, Baile, Santo, Sagrado, Saint, Holy, Go, God, Santo, Dios, Profeta, Profecía, Vitalidad, Legendario, Leyenda. Santo, ojos claros , soy Atlético Simpático, me esmero a seguir Adelante solucionando los Problemas de las demás Personas para salvar su Vida en Salud y en Enfermedades. Internet, Networds…. Santo, Sagrado, Piel Blanca, Piel Muy Blanca, Lechosa, Lechoso, Piel Lechoso, Piel, Sagrado, Saint, Holy, Dios, God. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, la VIDA es una VIRTUD que cada Humano, Persona tiene es Valeroso y Digno lograr SALVAR la VIDA de una Persona que está en Peligro, cada Persona es una sóla Unidad único no hay nadie como esa persona somos distintos. Internet, Networds…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, la NATURALEZA es Bella y Linda Vivirla al Aire Libre, con Agua, la Vegetación, los Bellos Animales en el Ecosistema la Biodiversidad hay que Valorar y Gozar lo que hay en el Mundo Vivirla y Disfrutarla. Internet, Networds…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, ME GUSTA LO QUE SOY MI FORMA DE SER ME ENCANTA LO QUE SOY YÓ MI FÍSICO, MENTE, PENSAMIENTOS, ALMA Y CUERPO, FÍSICO. Y VIVIR LA VIDA, NATURALEZA LA BELLEZA. Web, Redes Sociales…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Me gusta la Naturaleza y la Vida. VIVIR LA VIDA RESPETANDO A LOS DEMÁS CHICAS Y CHICOS A TODAS LAS PERSONAS LES RESPETO Y ADMIRO PORQUE TIENEN SUS VALORES Y DONES. HACER EL BIEN NUNCA EL MAL A LA PERSONA TRATAR COMO A UNO LE GUSTARÍA QUE LE TRATEN. Web, Redes Sociales…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "creo que las artes marciales mixtas sirven principalmente para desarrollar la energía. A veces es necesario darse cuenta de un peligro y conocer el medio para salvar la vida. Web, Redes Sociales…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, La Energía es Vital para lograr una Meta con Fuerza y Salud es lo más Importante en la Vida. ", Web, Internet…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "es necesario realizar ejercicios determinados en la columna, para proporcionar oxígeno al cerebro y ayudarle a descansar totalmente", Web, Internet…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "hay tres palabras que aprendemos a gritar que llevan consigo descanso y energía; fuerza, valor y convicción", Web, Internet….
О себе
Médico, Modelo, Doctor, Deportista, Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, soy Médico General Alto, Rubio, de Piel Blanca, White Skin, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Life, Love, Sexuality, Sexualidad, Sensual, Sexi, Sexy, Sensualidad, Sex, Sexos, Géneros, Belleza, con Amor, y Pureza, Autoestima, Confianza, Valor, Poder, Poderes Psíquicos, Psiquis, Amor, Love, Life, Vida, Pureza, Compasión, Pasión, Meditación, Elegancia, Fashion, Link, Cool, Modelaje, Gorgeous, Fitness, Pilates, Gym, Gimnasio, Ballet, Música, Pop, Dance, Baile, Santo, Sagrado, Saint, Holy, Go, God, Santo, Dios, Profeta, Profecía, Vitalidad, Legendario, Leyenda. Santo, ojos claros , soy Atlético Simpático, me esmero a seguir Adelante solucionando los Problemas de las demás Personas para salvar su Vida en Salud y en Enfermedades. Internet, Networds…. Santo, Sagrado, Piel Blanca, Piel Muy Blanca, Lechosa, Lechoso, Piel Lechoso, Piel, Sagrado, Saint, Holy, Dios, God. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, la VIDA es una VIRTUD que cada Humano, Persona tiene es Valeroso y Digno lograr SALVAR la VIDA de una Persona que está en Peligro, cada Persona es una sóla Unidad único no hay nadie como esa persona somos distintos. Internet, Networds…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, la NATURALEZA es Bella y Linda Vivirla al Aire Libre, con Agua, la Vegetación, los Bellos Animales en el Ecosistema la Biodiversidad hay que Valorar y Gozar lo que hay en el Mundo Vivirla y Disfrutarla. Internet, Networds…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, ME GUSTA LO QUE SOY MI FORMA DE SER ME ENCANTA LO QUE SOY YÓ MI FÍSICO, MENTE, PENSAMIENTOS, ALMA Y CUERPO, FÍSICO. Y VIVIR LA VIDA, NATURALEZA LA BELLEZA. Web, Redes Sociales…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, Me gusta la Naturaleza y la Vida. VIVIR LA VIDA RESPETANDO A LOS DEMÁS CHICAS Y CHICOS A TODAS LAS PERSONAS LES RESPETO Y ADMIRO PORQUE TIENEN SUS VALORES Y DONES. HACER EL BIEN NUNCA EL MAL A LA PERSONA TRATAR COMO A UNO LE GUSTARÍA QUE LE TRATEN. Web, Redes Sociales…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "creo que las artes marciales mixtas sirven principalmente para desarrollar la energía. A veces es necesario darse cuenta de un peligro y conocer el medio para salvar la vida. Web, Redes Sociales…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, La Energía es Vital para lograr una Meta con Fuerza y Salud es lo más Importante en la Vida. ", Web, Internet…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "es necesario realizar ejercicios determinados en la columna, para proporcionar oxígeno al cerebro y ayudarle a descansar totalmente", Web, Internet…. Médico Especialista Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo, "hay tres palabras que aprendemos a gritar que llevan consigo descanso y energía; fuerza, valor y convicción", Web, Internet….

Жизненная позиция

Политические предпочтения
Главное в жизни
семья и дети
Главное в людях
интеллект и креативность
Отношение к курению
Отношение к алкоголю
White Skin, Piel Blanca, Sexualidad, Sexos, Internet, Sexy, Sexi, Santo, Sagrado, Saint, Holy, Aplicaciones, Internet, Salvar Vidas en Peligro Personas y Pacientes