Celeste Gomez - место жительства и мобильный номер

- Описание профиля
Анализ профиля Celeste Gomez 19 января 1988 в ВКонтакте дает понимание её жизни в Buenos Aires. От альбомов с фото и видео до обсуждения последних статусов и отзывов, узнайте всю информацию, которую вы хотите знать о её интересах и друзьях.
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Основная информация
Родной город
Buenos Aires. Capital.
Контактная информация
Buenos Aires
Личная информация
My interests are to exhibit my art in the world, to become a world renowned artist. Living working with my art, my passion is drawing
Любимая музыка
The 69 eyes. Deathstars. Rammstein. Emilie Autumn. Marylin Manson. Lacrimosa. Him. Guns'n Roses. Aerosmith. Mozart. Beethoven. Bach. Strauss. And more..
Любимые фильмы
The Lord of the Rings. Drácula. Interview with the Vampire. The devil's advocate. All horror, suspense and epic...
Любимые телешоу
The Simpsons.
Любимые книги
Drácula. The Lord of the Rings. The vampire Chronicles of Anne Rice. Alice in wonderland. Edgar Allan Poe.
Любимые игры
All the saga of Resident Evil. Silent Hill.
О себе
Celeste Gómez was born on the 19th of January 1988 in the city of Buenos Aires in Argentina.
She was born with above average artistic abilities.
As a 3-year–old child in the kindergarten, her drawings stood out from the rest. She was doing perspective drawing right from the beginning while the other children were only doodling. Her teachers took notice.
At the age of 5, her drawings were comparable to a child of 10 or more years. With her advanced ability, she was drawing women in all their forms and intimate details.
She started studying at the art institute at the age of 10. Her primary school teacher had encouraged her to study drawing at the institute years earlier but they wouldn’t admit a 6-year-old child. She left the institute after one year because they didn't teach drawing exclusively.
After primary school, at the age of 13, she studied at the acclaimed 'Rogelio Yrurtia' Art Academy. She earned entry to the school by performing above average on the initial examination.
At the age of 16, she started exposing her realistic and fantastic drawings.
Her first exposition was at the SUB18 Exhibition. This event was organized by the Buenos Aires city administration in the famed 'Espacio Dorrego' hall. Only persons 18 years of age or older could attend.
She was simultaneously chosen to expose her work at the CONMIGO Exhibition in the 'Centro Cultural Adán Buenos Aires'.
At the age of 17, she demonstrates her work at a series of exhibitions supported by both her school and the Buenos Aires city administration.
Having been specially chosen, she exposes at the annual 'Rogelio Yrurtia' Art Academy Exhibition. She also exposed her drawings that year at the 'Casa de la Cultura' and 'Casa de la Provincia' exhibitions.
At the age of 18, she is again chosen to exhibit in the 'Centro Cultural Adán Buenos Aires' at the EL ESPIRITU DE LA SOLDEDAD (The spirit of loneliness) Exhibition. Her exhibited works are completely gothic.
She soon presents her gothic works to the publishing company Andrómeda and is subsequently employed as an illustrator there for two years.
At the age of 19, she presents herself to the magazine 'Caras Y Caretas' and they immediately add her to their list of illustrators. She has been an active illustrator with the magazine for five years now.
Also, the magazine 'Fierro' asks her to do a comic, but she declines the offer.
At the age of 20, she participates in the first festival of gothic art in Buenos Aires named “EL MUNDO DE LAS CUPULAS” (The World of the Cupulas) at the Teatro Arlequines.
She also joins an internet exhibition sponsored by the famous London gallery Saatchi. There she competes against over a million other artists from around the world. She is also selected to exhibit for the special Japan competition.
At the age of 21, she exhibits at the second festival of gothic art in Buenos Aires in the Teatro Arlequines with her work “LOS 7 PECADOS“ (The 7 Sins).
At the age of 22, she exhibited at a musical show organized by 'Via Lunatis' at Club Buenos Aires (former Teatro Arlequines).
She was also asked to take part at the 'Noches Vampíricas' – a season of films and art at the bar El Oráculo.
She also contributed at the 'Festival Gótico' at a venue named 'Green Hell'. This was a music show that also exhibited her drawings.
At the age of 23, she is asked to be interviewed for an Australian documentary about Argentina. She was chosen to represent the Argentinian gothic community in the film.
She is also adopted by the english band SXIN to redesign their logo, create CD and poster artwork, and fulfill all the bands other artistic requirements.
Currently, she now exhibits online via Myspace and Facebook.
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