Стас Седлецкий - место жительства и мобильный номер

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Street Fishing|Городская рыбалка
Президентская академия (бывш. РАНХиГС, АНХ)
Любимые цитаты
Centuries pass, dust in the wind I shall remain, shining in sin The metal I am, the iron you feel The song of the dead, the chorus of steel ------------------------------------------------------------- You know, people who don't fish think that fishing is lazy or boring, but it is the complete opposite. There are a hundred little decisions to be made, variables to be considered. And you're never quite sure what made the difference. Did I cast too high, too far to the left? Did I reel it in too slow, or too fast? Is the lure too shiny or too dull? Do I stay here, or should I go over there? And you know it's not luck, but you do not know by how much. People are predictable, unchanging, monotonous. They use the same language, they offer the same excuses, they make the same mistakes. People are endlessly disappointing, because you hope they won't be. This is why I am fishing, because I am never disappointed out here - because I don't expect anything - because anything is possible. I can be hopeful out here, even in failure, because I know if I just go out there, around that tree, it might be different, something might be different - something I do might make a difference.

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смелость и решительность