Антон Баженов - место жительства и мобильный номер

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758 друзей 26% (+197)
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Анализ профиля Антон Баженов 17 апреля в ВКонтакте дает понимание его жизни. От альбомов с фото и видео до обсуждения последних статусов и отзывов, узнайте всю информацию, которую вы хотите знать о его интересах и друзьях.
When will this cease, the warheads will all rust in peace.
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Основная информация
Родной город
Личная информация
Freedom, music, books, games, coffee, cakes, cheese, love, cats, sleep, languages, snooker
Любимая музыка
Queen, Megadeth, Queensrÿche, The Darkness, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Suicidal Tendencies, Diamond Head, Scorpions, Guns N' Roses, Judas Priest, Alice Cooper, Skid Row, Nina Hagen, Sweet, Van Halen, Pantera, Mötley Crüe, The Beatles, ABBA, Rage Against The Machine
Любимые фильмы
Song of the Sea, Beauty & The Beast, FernGully: The Last Rainforest, Dogville, Devil's Advocate, Knockin' On Heavens Door, The Prestige, Dogma, Radio, Служебный Роман
Любимые телешоу
Firefly, Six Feet Under, The Last Kingdom, Rick and Morty, How Not to Live Your Life
Любимые книги
R. Adams [Watership Down], D. Keyes [Flowers for Algernon, The Minds of Billy Milligan], Ayn Rand [The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged], J. Verne [Mysterious Island], O. Wylde [The Star-Child], G. Orwell [1984, Animal Farm], А. С. Грибоедов [Горе От Ума], А. С. Пушкин [Евгений Онегин], М. Ю. Лермонтов [Герой Нашего Времени, Маскарад], Мария Семенова [Волкодав], А. Пехов [Ветер и Искры]
Любимые игры
Gothic II: Night of the Raven, Neverwinter Nights 2: Forgotten Realms, Gothic, The Bard's Tale, Rock'n'Roll Racing, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Portal 2, World of Warcraft, Fable: The Lost Chapters, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV
Любимые цитаты
«Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts»
Winston Churchill
«The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence»
Bertrand Russell
«First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win»
Mahatma Gandhi
«Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety»
Benjamin Franklin
«I am a lover of truth, a worshipper of freedom, a celebrant at the altar of language and purity and tolerance. That is my religion, and every day I am sorely, grossly, heinously and deeply offended, wounded, mortified and injured by a thousand different blasphemies against it»
Stephen Fry
«Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people»
Oscar Wilde
«When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life»
John Lennon
«Я, конечно, презираю отечество мое с головы до ног — но мне досадно, если иностранец разделяет со мной это чувство»
Александр Пушкин
О себе
Жизненная позиция
Thank God I'm an atheist
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