Egor Tsimbalov - место жительства и мобильный номер

ВКонтакте: Egor Tsimbalov   - профиль, анонимный анализ
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  • Анализ профиля Egor Tsimbalov в ВКонтакте дает понимание его жизни. От альбомов с фото и видео до обсуждения последних статусов и отзывов, узнайте всю информацию, которую вы хотите знать о его интересах и друзьях.

  • Those that work forces are the same that burn crosses

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Land of Brave and Free

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"You probably heard it all before, baby, not this! Hear is the shout to you ladies with the hot tits Courtesy of Limp Bizkit on some rock shit (C'mon) Now here we go, (C'mon) start it up! Should I remind you motherfuckers that I don't give a fuck (Hell no) I never have, (Hell yea) I never will And I will always understand how the haters feel" LB "Whether or not you win this thing, you got to decide how your gonna walk out of here when its all said and done. Because the game is going to go on, and theirs only one rule your going to need to know about. There are no second chances. There is only this moment, and the next one. Every one of those moments is a test that you get to take one time, and only one time. So if you see an opening tear into it. If you get a shot at victory make damn sure you take it. Seize that moment! That moment is a cross roads, where everything you want will collide with everything standing in your way. You got momentum at your back fear and doubt are thundering like a freight train straight at you. And all you got, the only difference between making history and being history. The only thing, the only thing your can count on at any given moment is YOU. Its you versus them. You versus no. You versus can't. You versus next year, last year, statistics, excuses. You versus history. You versus the odds. Its you versus second place. Clock is ticking, lets see what you got." Versus "What isn't impossible isn't to choose. I can always choose and I ought to recognize that if I do not choose, I'm still choosing.. Man is an organized project in which he himself is involved. Through his choice, he involves all humankind, and he cannot avoid making a choice: either he will remain unmarried, or he will marry without having children, or he will marry and have children. Anyhow, whatever he may do, it is impossible for him not to take full responsibility for the way he handles his problems. Man makes himself. He isn't completely defined at the start line. In choosing his values, he makes himself and the force of circumstances is such that he cannot abstain from choosing a set of values. It defines the human situation as involving free choice, with no excuses and no hiding places. Everyone who takes refuge behind the excuse that he is driven by his passions, everyone who sets up any kind of determinism, is dishonest..." It's a fucked up world a fucked up place Everybody's judged by their fucked up face Fucked up dreams fucked up life A fucked up kid with a fucked up knife Fucked up moms and fucked up dads A fucked up cop with a fucked up badge Fucked up job with fucked up pay And a fucked up boss is a fucked up day Fucked up press and fucked up lies While lethal's in the back with fucked up eyes
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Can exactly show you the direction:

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