Личная информация
University of Colorado
Mountain skiing, hiking, camping, ping pong, tennis, badminton, singing bard songs with guitar. --- I cannot live without the Arts (painting etc), classical music, poetry. -------
Любимая музыка
Classical music (Vivaldi, Albinoni, Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart, Chopin, Hoffman, etc.), and also Russian classic bards Okudzhava, Galich, etc. I enjoy French chanson: Aznavour, Brel, Brassens, etc. -----
Любимые фильмы
ALL films by the great film directors: Norstein, Paradjanov, Tarkovsky, Iosseliani, Abuladze, Bergman, Wajda, Anotnioni, Pasolini, Zvyagintsev, etc.--- With some of them I have corresponded, some others are friends. ----
Любимые телешоу
I do not favor TV, except Comedy Central with John Stewart and Stephen Colbert (USA TV), and sports. --- I love Radio "Svoboda" and newspaper "New York Times." -----
Любимые книги
Vladimir Nabokov "Invitation to a Beheading.", Anna Ahmatova "Anno Domini." Mandelstam, Zvetaeva, Pasternak, N. Gumilev, early and late Mayakovsky, etc. -----
Любимые игры
Love games (we call them "romance") -----
Любимые цитаты
"Freedom consists not of doing what we want, but in having the opportunity to do what we ought" — Pope Paul John II. —---
О себе
I was once born in Moscow. My name then was Александр Сойфер. I value highly human rights: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of peaceful assembly. I disapprove Russian annexation of Crimea and Russian troops and weaponry in Donetsk and Lugansk.