Justin_drew Bieber - место жительства и мобильный номер
- Описание профиля
Анализ профиля Justin_drew Bieber в ВКонтакте дает понимание его жизни в Stratford. От альбомов с фото и видео до обсуждения последних статусов и отзывов, узнайте всю информацию, которую вы хотите знать о его интересах и друзьях.
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I Singer
Любимая музыка
All my music is like listening to my favorite pop
Любимые фильмы
I love fantasy
Любимые телешоу
I is not looking...
Любимые книги
There's no time to read))))
Любимые игры
There's no time to play
Любимые цитаты
No Quotes
О себе
I was born in Stredford Ontario, Canada, March 1, 1994. Engaged in singing, I started a few years ago. In two years I developed an interest in musical instruments, in particular - stressed. As a child I studied music.So far, in his biography, I play guitar, drums, keyboards.
Besides music, I enjoy sports such as hockey, basketball, football, golf. I'm not bad to ride a skateboard.I attended the State School Avon, Bedford State School and Central State School.
I declare that I started singing by accident, when he took part in a music contest called Stratfordsky Idol.Other participants learned a long time, took singing lessons and performed with the coaches, while he just sang sometimes at home among family members. Then I was 12 years old and I was in second place.
The starting point in my biography was in 2007.I rehash songs of famous singers on video and laid out these videos on Youtube, and soon I began to have fans who back in 2007 claimed that I would achieve a lot and become famous. I was discovered on YouTube Scooter Brown, who got in touch with my family.He sent me thirteen years to Shusha (U.S.) for a meeting with Asher. Famous singer wanted to sign a contract with him there, but I had a meeting with Justin Timberlake. In the end, the singer signed a contract with Asher. Deal of Asher was profitable ".So in October 2008, I signed my first recording contract.
In 2009 they released their first single in the biography - «One Time». The song immediately became a hit. Crazy fans fighting over me). In July, a week after release,she took 12 th place in the ranking «Canadian Hot 100."I have already withdrawn eight clips for his songs: «One Time», «One Less Lonely Girl», «Baby», «Never Let You Go», «Eenie Meenie», «Never Say Never», «Somebody To Love», «U Smile». He has an album «My World», which was released November 17, 2009, and the album «My World 2.0» - he came out March 23.
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